Star Treament

The possibilities of becoming stressed in our society are ever present. The unrelenting modern day pressures can sometimes overwhelm us and consequently, we have little time to pay attention to our own needs let alone find an outlet to release our frustrations.

Over time, tension will build up and eventually emerge as a stiff neck and shoulders, headaches, migraine and even sinusitis, eyestrain and insomnia.

Indian Head Massage works the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, head and acupuncture points on the face and is a wonderful way of releasing pent up tension. It will restore harmony and tranquility and promote better concentration thereby tackling the physical, emotional and mental effects of stress.

Call on: 01622 532399 or 07951 161345 or e-mail

Carol J. Moon, Harrietsham, Maidstone, Kent
© All materials included are copyright to Carol J.Moon